This example describes how to create a hierarchical design using VHDL. The top-level design, called top.vhd, implements an instance of the function logic.vhd. In the top.vhd file, a component for the logic function is declared inside the architecture in which it is instantiated. The Component Declaration defines the ports of the lower-level function.
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For more information on using this example in your project, refer to the How to use VHDL examples section on the VHDL web page.
top.vhd (Top-level file)
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY top IS PORT(w_in, x_in, y_in :IN std_logic; clock :IN std_logic; z_out :OUT std_logic); END top; ARCHITECTURE a OF top IS COMPONENT logic PORT(a,b,c :IN std_logic; x :OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT; SIGNAL w_reg, x_reg, y_reg, z_reg :std_logic; BEGIN low_logic : logic PORT MAP (a => w_reg, b => x_reg, c => y_reg, x => z_reg); PROCESS(clock) BEGIN IF (clock'event AND clock='1') THEN w_reg<=w_in; x_reg<=x_in; y_reg<=y_in; z_out<=z_reg; END IF; END PROCESS; END a; </PRE>
logic.vhd LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY logic IS PORT(a,b,c : IN std_logic; x : OUT std_logic); END logic; ARCHITECTURE a OF logic IS BEGIN PROCESS (a,b,c) BEGIN x<=(a and b) or c; END PROCESS; END; </pre>