ST 2059 PTP Core
The ST 2059 PTP core is an FPGA IP core that generates timing and clock signals according to the SMPTE ST 2059 standard defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. These deterministic timing signals can be used to time synchronize audio and video systems to a SMPTE ST2059 (PTP) grandmaster. The IP core provides broadcast and professional AV equipment the ability to support deterministic generation of timing (signals) for video and audio systems. Audio/visual systems are generally synchronized, locked to the same time base with a relative phase with respect to a master time generator. This makes seamless switching between cameras or mixing a presenter in front of weather graphics possible. The same can be true for audio devices. The ST 2059 core uses the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) to provide time-aligned signal generation, thus permitting the interoperable use of IP-based media equipment with conventional genlocked SDI equipment. Based on standard AXI4-Stream, AXI4-Lite and AXI4-MM interfaces, the AIP-ST2059 core can easily be integrated into your system design.
- カテゴリー:
- ソフトウェアと IP コア: FPGA 知的財産コア: インターフェイス・プロトコル: オーディオおよびビデオ
- オペレーティング・システム:
Linux* Other Linux family*
Linux* Other Linux family* Yocto Project*
- エンドカスタマーのタイプ:
インテル® Arria® FPGA
Intel Agilex® 5 FPGA および SoC FPGA
インテル® Stratix® 10 FPGA & SoC FPGA
Arria® V FPGA & SoC FPGA
Stratix® V FPGA
インテル® Agilex™ 9 FPGA & SoC FPGA
インテル® Cyclone® 10 FPGA
インテル® Arria® 10 FPGA & SoC FPGA
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The learning curve for IP and SDI can be daunting and time consuming. Yet still, end customers in the broadcast, ProAV, military, and medical space are demanding these interfaces. We understand ...
St 2059 Ptp Core
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