株式会社 NTT データグループがインテル® Xeon® プロセッサーの省電力性能を検証
株式会社 NTT データグループは、第 5 世代インテル® Xeon® スケーラブル・プロセッサーおよびインテル® Xeon® 6 プロセッサーの省電力性を検証しました。
東京エレクトロン デバイス株式会社は OpenVINO™ ツールキットで画像検査装置の課題を解消
東京エレクトロン デバイス株式会社は、医療や製造業などで利用される画像検査用の産業向け PC での AI 推論に OpenVINO™ ツールキットを使用して筐体サイズの制約やコスト増の課題解消に貢献しています。
HippoScreen がメンタルヘルスの診断を進歩させる
HippoScreen は AI 分析ツールを使用してストレス EEG 評価システムを開発し、メンタルヘルスの診断を向上させました。
京都大学における HPC パフォーマンスの強化
京都大学の学術情報メディアセンター (ACCMS) は、インテル® Xeon® CPU マックス・シリーズを最大限に活用し、科学的調査の高速化と効率化を実現します。
Netflix シームレスなストリーミング体験を拡充
Netflix は EC2 インスタンスを CPU マイクロアーキテクチャー・レベルで最適化し、性能に優れた高品質ビデオコンテンツを提供しています。
LLE の新しいスーパーコンピューターは、慣性核融合をより深く理解するために、第 4 世代インテル® Xeon® スケーラブル・プロセッサー・ファミリーを使用しています。
Taboola が、コンテンツのレコメンドエンジンを改善
インテルは、Taboola と協力して、第 4 世代インテル® Xeon® プロセッサーでの予測アルゴリズムの最適化とベンチマーク評価を行いました。
Numenta が、強力な推論パフォーマンスを実現
Numenta は、トランスフォーマー・ネットワークを劇的に高速化するために、神経科学ベースのソリューションでインテルと協力しました。
TACC が主要な HPC コードをより高速に実行
インテル® Xeon® CPU マックス・シリーズの科学的アプリケーションでは、Frontera より優れており、メモリー帯域幅に制限されたコードが向上しています。
FOX スポーツが、世界クラスの視聴体験を実現
TAG Video Systems のプラットフォームは、FOX スポーツ の画期的な世界初のライブ制作システムに不可欠な部分です。
Gunpowder がデジタル・レンダリングの時間とコストを削減
第 4 世代インテル® Xeon® プロセッサー搭載 Google Cloud C3 インスタンスは、以前のインスタンスと比較してレンダリング・パフォーマンスが高速化しています。
浜松ホトニクス株式会社: リアルタイム画像プロセシング
リアルタイム画像プロセシング機能には、インテル® Arria® 10 およびインテル® Cyclone® 10 FPGA が選択されています。
St. Anne Institute、地域社会に奉仕するためアップグレードを実施
St. Anne Institute は、セキュリティー、安定性、およびパフォーマンスの向上のために、インテル® vPro® プラットフォーム (インテル® Evo™ デザイン) を活用しています。
Numenta とインテルが推論を高速化
カスタムトレーニング済み大規模言語モデルは、HBM 搭載インテル® Xeon® CPU Max シリーズのプロセッサーで実行すると、より高速に実行できます。
Cineca が エクサスケール HPC を推進
スーパーコンピューター Leonardo のアーキテクチャーは、ブレークスルーとイノベーションを実現するために、高速化コンピューティング向けに最適化されています。
理研は、Habana® Gaudi® AI プロセッサーを使用して、医療とライフサイエンスにおけるより迅速で効率的なディープラーニングのトレーニングを実現しました。
Meituan が、ビジョン AI 推論サービスを高速化
第 4 世代インテル® Xeon® スケーラブル・プロセッサー・ファミリーが、Meituan がビジョン AI 推論サービスを高速化し、コストを最適化するのに役立ちます。
LTIMindtree が AI 対応チャットボット機能を最適化
LTIMindtree は、SigOpt Intelligent Experimentation Platform を使用して、AI モデル制作を自動化し、最終顧客の結果を改善します。
Hope for Justice が、現代の奴隷制度と戦う
Samsung Medison が神経検出モデルを開発
インテル® Geti™ プラットフォームは、Samsung Medison の AI NerveTrack モデルのトレーニング・プロセスを効率化し、簡素化します。
Alibaba がエンドツーエンドの PPML ソリューションを構築
Alibaba Cloud とインテルは、BigDL PPML と Alibaba Cloud Data Trust を相乗化し、AI とビッグデータの E2E プライバシーを保護します。
Tokopedia が、成長を続けるユーザーベースを支援
インテル® と Google Cloud は、Tokopedia が加盟店とバイヤーにストリーミング・ビデオ・トランザクション設備を提供することを可能にしました。
Mae Fah Luang University が IT センターを強化
Mae Fah Luang University は、情報技術センターにおけるインテル® vPro® プラットフォームのテストにおいて協力しました。
Symmetry Dimensions: デジタルツインへのアクセス
Symmetry は、高負荷データを処理し、可能な限り安全なリモートアクセスを実現するために、インテル® vPro® プラットフォームを選択しました。
KOKUSAI GROUP が場所を選ばない就業スタイルを実現
インテル® vPro® テクノロジーを搭載した Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon は、外出先での忙しい生活をよりシンプルにします。
HPC technologies from Intel and Ansys help STMicroelectronics advance 60 GHz contactless communications.
DB Cargo is analyzing massive amounts of data to help them coordinate rail freight maintenance and operations efficiently.
EXOR: How Smarter Work Gets Done
See how EXOR is demonstrating the benefits of on-premise 5G private networks alongside AI in the company's smart factory.
HC Networks が、変化する IT 環境をサポート
HC Networks は、コスト削減と複雑さに対応するために、仮想デスクトップ・インフラストラクチャーを自社内に導入します。
Busan High School がクラス体験を向上
Busan Computer Science High School が、リモート学習およびブレンド型学習の授業と PC 管理の質を向上します。
CSIR-IGIB ががん研究を発展させる
Lenovo GOAST アーキテクチャーは、超集約的なゲノム・シーケンシング・ワークロードにより、研究者がインサイトを見つけるのに役立ちます。
StubHub's Instant Scalability Plan
The Intel-powered Bare Metal Solution on Google Cloud Platform accelerated StubHub's cloud journey.
Intel® Optane™ PMem addressed the increased latency and reduced performance of MySQL for high read I/O scenarios.
近畿大学病院は、ハイパーコンバージド・インフラストラクチャー・プラットフォームを使用して、大規模な移転の前に、IT 運用を簡素化しています。
The CCR’s Industry Compute Cluster delivers advanced computing capabilities to industries running HPC + AI workloads.
Using machine learning, Babyndex launched a microscope and AI-linked app that helps women identify their most fertile days.
Lilt Scales the Global Customer Experience
Lilt's adaptive neural machine translation platform delivers first-class customer experiences in their preferred language.
SDSC Builds AI-Focused “Voyager” Supercomputer
The AI-focused system allows scientists to develop new approaches for accelerated training and inferencing.
Swiss Re が重要なデータを保護
Swiss Re は、インテル® SGX を使用したコンフィデンシャル・コンピューティングの概念実証により、重要なデータのさらなる保護を模索しています。
EDF manages current power facilities while predicting future needs and engineering new resources to help them be CO2 neutral.
Ebenbuild Prototypes Medical Digital Twins
The prototype may help transform mechanical ventilation therapy, improving survival and recovery rates for patients.
SM Supermalls Engages Shoppers
Customer-facing New Era AI Robotic solution helps simplify and personalize each customer’s visit using Intel® technologies.
UAB Medicine Uses AI to Access New Data
UAB Medicine and Medical Informatics Corp. work to enhance near real-time decision-making and patient care.
Remote patient monitoring at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula helps improve satisfaction and reduce falls.
GE Healthcare uses AI technology to improve access to medical imaging diagnosis for rural health centers.
Nationwide Building Society uses privacy-sensitive data, confidential computing, and Intel® SGX to improve user experience.
EnglishHelper delivers the RightToRead program to improve English literacy across government-run schools.
VFX and animation artists quickly recover from application crashes with Intel® Optane™ PMem and MemVerge Memory Machine.
BMW Group: AI on Every Employee’s Laptop
Group is banking on Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit for AI-based anonymization for every employee.
Intel helps Tencent Cloud deeply optimize its cloud block storage (CBS) to create an ultra-fast cloud storage experience.
Creative Solutions Space developed a prototype of a Monte Carlo Acceleration Library for FPGAs using Intel® oneAPI toolkits.
Sinkaberg Hansen Uses 5G Video Analytics
Norwegian fish farm gains efficiency, profitability, and sustainability with fish traceability from feeding to distribution.
Financial services companies can lower their total cost of ownership by using disaggregated, software-defined storage.
With Intel® technology-based HPC infrastructure, Ping helps golfers hit the ball farther, faster, and with more control.
South Africa CHPC Enables COVID-19 Research
CHPC’s private cloud cluster built on Intel® technology converges HPC with analytics, AI, and machine learning.
Boosteroid, Intel, and ASUS team up to build a powerful online gaming platform, letting anyone play resource-demanding games.
Kinsta’s WordPress Customers Run Faster
Cloud-optimized servers with 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors offer high performance web serving and scalability.
The Penguin Computing platform’s extreme density and Intel® HPC technology performance minimize latency and jitter.
Nexleaf Analytics Safeguards the Cold Chain
Nexleaf Analytics is using Intel® technology and IOT/Analytics to help solve a critical healthcare challenge.
With a private, managed cloud data center, customers can focus on their business, not on IT infrastructure.
Alibaba Cloud が AI アプリケーションを加速
Analytics Zoo と bfloat16 が、第 7 世代 Alibaba Cloud ECS インスタンスでの AI アプリケーションのパフォーマンスを向上させます。
3rd gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors with enhanced crypto acceleration help move content distribution to the edge.
Synergistic software-hardware acceleration based on Intel® architecture improved detecting and screening efficiency.
Cut costs, optimize maintenance assignments, and improve customer service.
Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory accelerates Mars performance for more efficient scientific computing.
TOKI uses Intel® HPC technologies with 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and Intel® Optane™ persistent memory.
VelociData delivers a cohesive data solution to a broadband network provider by making use of Intel® technologies.
Their OneNET Intelligent Edge Suite improves performance with Intel® Optane™ SSDs, accelerating adoption of the platform.
Sankara Eye Foundation uses AI to minimize vision loss through faster and accurate detection of diabetic retinopathy.
UHBW Transforms Frontline Medical Care
The Intel vPro® platform is at the heart of University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust’s pandemic response.
Metro de Quito Keeps Citizens Moving
Lenovo servers powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors support a new mass transportation system.
OnScale Makes Digital Prototyping Accessible
2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, along with Intel® software and AI technologies, power OnScale solutions.
Jide enabled data-driven manufacturing, helping it boost throughput and capture incremental sales.
Yaskawa implements Intel® FPGAs in its high-performance robot controllers for servo control and functional safety.
Tebon Securities deployed a hyperconverged infrastructure solution for greater agility and competitive advantage.
Aller Media Shifts from Print to Digital
Aller Media future-proofs IT operations to meet the growing demand for digital content.
CERN、AI でシミュレーション・ワークロードを加速
CERN の研究者は、インテル® Xeon スケーラブル・プロセッサーでインテル® DL ブーストと oneAPI を使用して推論の高速化を実現しました。
NAVER Cloud Accelerates Network Performance
NAVER Cloud teamed with Intel to quickly develop and launch a network virtualization solution.
NAVER and Intel collaborated to showcase the advantages of CPU-based machine-learning inference.
A Lenovo HPC system running on 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors reduces time to insight.
Shandong Hospital Enhances Patient Outcomes
Shandong University Qilu Hospital embraced hyperconverged infrastructure running on 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
Deployment during pandemic shows flexibility and performance of platform and Intel® technologies from edge to cloud.
MSPs can now service larger companies with 11th Gen vPro® Platform plus Datto Remote Monitoring and Management.
Shanghai Pudong New Area Gongli Hospital runs medical information systems on 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor-powered servers enable virtual desktop infrastructure for data-driven businesses.
Lenovo ThinkAgileVX servers, with 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, increased the performance of core applications.
An HCI platform powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors underpins world-leading real estate development projects.
Harvard accelerates research with a new HPC cluster based on Lenovo servers and 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
Servers using Intel® processors allow rural clinics to share patient scans with health centers for remote diagnosis.
Formulus Black: The Power of In-Memory Computing
In-memory storage virtualization uses Lenovo ThinkSystem, 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, and Intel® Optane™ PMem.
Frankfurt Boosts Educational PC Infrastructure
Intel vPro® platform with Intel® Active Management Technology enables remote management of devices in German schools.
AbbVie Accelerates Natural Language Processing
Intel® Artificial Intelligence Technologies improve translations for biopharmaceutical research.
Twitter: How Faster-Data Flow Gets Done
See how Twitter keeps 186 million people connected in real-time with Intel® Ethernet 800 Series with ADQ.
Introducing Analytics Zoo’s enhanced AI prediction to wind farms can help improve their power generation efficiency.
Tencent: Enhanced Real-Time Speech Synthesis
3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors power Tencent Cloud’s Xiaowei intelligent speech and video service access platform.
UVic: New Cloud Computing and ML Resources
Scientists leverage UVic’s next-generation cloud infrastructure to expand knowledge using non-traditional HPC.
IT@Intel: “Instant” VPN Scaling and Continuity
IT@Intel used Intel® architecture-based servers, virtual gateways, and a hybrid cloud to rapidly scale VPN capabilities.
Web-based interface provides students with HPC virtual laboratories based on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
DETASAD Transforms Business in Saudi Arabia
DETASAD augmented its private cloud platform, paving the way for growth into valuable new markets.
IntDev Helps Businesses Grow Across South Africa
IntDev brings reliable, flexible, and affordable cloud computing to small- and medium-sized enterprises across South Africa.
The Edison platform, based on the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, enables AI-assisted imaging for medical insights.
ITX Hyper-Accelerates ERP Database Queries
HCI on Cisco HyperFlex, with Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Optane™ SSDs, standardized and aligned two data centers.
JSP Boosts High-Tech Manufacturing Simulations
Intel® technology and a managed HPC appliance help JSP speed performance and simplify its engineering simulation environment.
Jolera Drives Double-Digit Business Growth
Lenovo storage and servers, powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, deliver enterprise-class cloud services.
Baidu: 5G Leads to New Opportunities at the Edge
Baidu Creates a 5G + AI Edge Middle Platform with OpenNESS and Baidu IME.
CloudHost: Helping Clients Do Better Business
Lenovo ThinkSystem solutions, powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, help to keep pace with growing demand.
Fraser Health Authority ramped up remote work capabilities in response to the pandemic with a hyperconverged infrastructure.
In the face of the pandemic lockdown, Career Launcher successfully delivers learning on a massive scale in India.
SecuStack: クラウドより安全に
SecuStack は、インテル® ソフトウェア・ガード・エクステンションズのエンクレーブを使用し、セキュリティーを確保したクラウド・コンピューティングを新たなユーザー層に提供します。
ARS Simplifies Cloud Management
Lenovo ThinkAgile CP platform, powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, helps remove barriers to cloud services.
Intel IT Builds A Cyber Intelligence Platform
Intel IT’s Apache Kafka data pipeline provides in-stream processing for faster security threat detection and response.
Indra: New Air Traffic Management Capabilities
Indra is developing air traffic management tools to meet requirements for the launch of the Single European Sky initiative.
VSC strengthened its HPC infrastructure with a next-generation supercomputer built on Lenovo ThinkSystem servers.
Accelerated end-to-end network AI pipelines use Analytics Zoo, TensorFlow, and Apache Spark on Intel® architecture.
DUG Technology: Exascale Flash Storage
DUG Technology switched from hard disk drives to petabytes of flash storage powered by Intel® Optane™ technology.
アルゴンヌ国立研究所の Aurora エクサスケール・システム
Aurora のパフォーマンスは、10 億 × 10 億 FLOPS を超えると予測されており、研究やエンジニアリングの取り組みを強化します。
Jülich: Modular Supercomputing Architecture
Co-design among six scientific institutes, Intel, and Megware leads to a fully-functioning, energy-efficient prototype.
KFBIO optimized their code to take advantage of Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor enhancements.
Top Tier Bank and Confidential Computing
Intel® Software Guard Extensions and Azure Confidential Computing encrypt data moving out of the network for cloud security.
Aitken’s first of 12 modules is built on 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and uses local climate-based air cooling.
VIP Industries: Preparing for Global Growth
VIP Industries switched to digital workflows on an infrastructure powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
Doctors are exploring how to integrate AI algorithms with holistic patient information and traditional medical approaches.
Nutanix AOS software and Intel® components deliver scalable and easily manageable storage in the cloud.
Intel’s Applied Machine Learning team and oneAPI tools help LAIKA realize the limitless scope of stop motion animation.
Increase supply chain efficiency with Intel® Connected Logistics Platform and Azure IOT Central through C.H. Robinson.
C3 Group Reduces Cloud Computing Complexity
C3 Group chose Lenovo’s ThinkAgile MX* platform running 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors for their cloud services.
A new platform based on high-throughput computing technology offers greater efficiency in new materials genome research.
thyssenkrupp: An End-to-End IIoT Platform
Connect disparate machines, decrease equipment downtime, and boost factory productivity with the toii IIOT solution.
CATL Enhances Real-Time Data Processing
Intel’s memory innovation enhances real-time data processing for smart manufacturing.
Their ultra-flexible, future-ready private cloud environment is powered by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.
IRSAP Boosts Business Agility to Pace Trends
IRSAP selects the Lenovo ThinkAgile HX platform, with 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, for its new environment.
Seijo University Improves I/O Latency
Seijo University uses Intel® Optane™ SSDs to balance cost and performance with low latency and consistent stability.
Intel and Cerner collaboration leads to conception, development, and deployment of the Cerner Patient Observer.
Fujifilm Improves CT Diagnostic Imaging
Updating infrastructure resulted in faster image display in server and client workstations, improving healthcare services.
Investment Firm Speeds Up Decision-Making
Faster transaction speed with high-performance Dell EMC PowerMax platform with Intel® Optane™ SSDs helps boost revenue.
Datto: Helping Keep Data and SMBs Safe
Datto gives managed business continuity and disaster recovery providers the tools they need to minimize customer downtime.
Hospitals are leveraging healthcare technology to scale up care and capacity while laying the foundation for leveraging AI.
TACC and UCSD: Tackling COVID-19 with HPC
Leading the way in the race to find treatments for COVID-19 is the National Science Foundation-funded Frontera supercomputer.
Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit accelerates compressed sensing image reconstruction algorithms.
Supercomputing Community Tackles COVID-19
Behind it all, scientists are tackling important questions about the novel coronavirus using powerful Intel® technology.
Intelligent allocation of data to Intel® Optane™ persistent memory stores more data close to CPU with fewer DIMMs.
2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Optane™ persistent memory enable faster data pipeline.
Simulations on the Altair HyperWorks Unlimited Appliance left prior workstation-based solutions in the dust.
Proportunity: AI Helps First-Time Buyers
An authorized and regulated mortgage lender based in London is working with Intel to predict future house prices.
Robot prototype uses Intel® Movidius™ Vision Processing Unit to navigate while sanitizing with ultraviolet light.
To lower TCO and maintain performance, Baidu deployed Intel® Optane™ persistent memory to optimize its ad hoc query service.
MIC Sickbay: How Remote Care Gets Done
Sickbay platform is using data visualization and analytics to help transform remote care for COVID-19 and beyond.
Arihant Mobile is a state-of-the-art smartphone app that lets customers trade, track their portfolio, and get live data.
TGen Unravels Genetic Mystery of Disease
TGen, Dell Technologies, and Intel bring high performance computing to research and clinical care.
Performance verification of Intel® Optane™ persistent memory improves VM capacity and reduces infrastructure cost.
MyLoc: Private Cloud Solution の提供
プライベート・クラウドサービスの需要拡大に対応するため、myLoc はインテル® テクノロジーを採用し、セキュリティーとパフォーマンスの向上を図っています。
InCor Uses AI and HPC to Expand Capacity
Project in partnership with Intel expands research possibilities by using anonymized results of imaging tests.
Magma, a liquid-cooled supercomputer built by Penguin Computing and CoolIT Systems, uses Intel® Xeon® 9200 series processors.
Scientists expand research in new materials and effects of intense electronic excitation using lasers and X-rays.
High-frequency single-threaded and multi-core Intel® processors met GPORTAL’s needs.
Recommendation system and Redis services use Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory to complement DRAM.
GE Healthcare used Intel® Vision technology to develop an AI algorithm that can help medical staff triage potentially life-threatening cases faster.
Shanghai DeepSight uses the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to help a leading tire manufacturer cut waste and costs and increase efficiencies.
Intel® AI helps the American Red Cross generate open source maps for disaster relief.
Kakao: Improved Speech Recognition
Improving speech recognition inference performance and velocity for the company’s AI speaker service.
ExxonMobil: Improving Industrial Control Systems
Open process automation benefits industries wanting to transition from closed proprietary systems.
Tencent Cloud: Creating Efficient Cloud Services
Intel® technologies help bring more comprehensive and balanced IT infrastructure capabilities.
Lufthansa Technik Moves SaaS to the Cloud
Platform for airline maintenance, repair, and overhaul operations helps optimize operations and improve safety.
WP Engine: Powering Digital Experiences
With Google Cloud Platform, WP Engine provides enhanced security, performance, and stability for high-profile websites.
Lotes: Advancing Supply Chain Delivery Tracking
Lotes has been working to optimize for SAP S/4 HANA with Intel® Optane™ persistent memory.
Intel helps China’s Yunda Express improve the efficiency of their delivery logistics system.
Ping An: Security Technology Reduces Data Silos
Intel® Software Guard Extensions help apply federated learning to multi-source data collaboration for AI training.
Kingsoft Cloud: Upgraded Cloud for AI Developers
Kingsoft Cloud deployed Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to help developers increase their AI R&D efficiency.
The company changed from GPUs to CPUs for their AI solutions to easily simplify and consolidate their servers.
IDC Frontier Future Proofs Storage System
Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4800X and VMware vSAN* deliver an inexpensive, high-performance private cloud.
PhoenixNAP Brings Scalability to Metadata Search
Scale-out object storage holds data while Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory keeps a cache for accelerated performance.
Nitrado Increases Online Game Instance Density
Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory transforms the online gaming world and boosts data center efficiency.
Proof of concept explores the benefits of moving from a scale-out to a scale-up system to speed time to insight.
“π 2.0” uses 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Cornelis Networks for HPC and AI research.
HLRN Brings Advanced Performance to HPC
HLRN chose Intel® Xeon® Platinum 9200 processors to meet their increasingly diverse needs for HPC workloads.
TACC: Engineering Research in HPC
2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory speed processing and memory capacity.
The OneNET Edge Computing Platform explores intelligent manufacturing with the Intel® Visual Cloud Accelerator Card.
Taboola achieves higher performance for TensorFlow* framework using deep learning to infer visitor preferences.