インテルのみ表示可能 — GUID: orr1625154557551
インテルのみ表示可能 — GUID: orr1625154557551
41.5.2. Warp IPのソフトウェアのコード例
UHD 60 Hzワークフローの例
この例では、15度の回転ワープを生成して適用するためのC++ソースコードのワークフローおよび、基本的なワープ・ソフトウェアの使用法を示しています。この例は3840x2160@60 Hzビデオ用であり、処理を2つのワープエンジンに分割する必要があります。この例のフレームバッファーとワープ係数のベースアドレスは任意です。実際の値は特定のシステムデザインによって異なります。
const uint32_t FRAMEBUF_BASE_ADDR = 0x80000000; const uint32_t COEF_BASE_ADDR = 0xa0000000; const uint32_t SKIP_RAM_PAGE = 0; intel_vvp_warp_base_t base = INTEL_VVP_WARP_BASE; intel_vvp_warp_instance_t wrp0; // Initialize driver instance intel_vvp_warp_init_instance(&wrp0, base); // Create warp channel intel_vvp_warp_channel_t* ch0 = intel_vvp_warp_create_double_channel(&wrp0, 0, 0, 1, 0); // Fill in warp channel configuration structure intel_vvp_warp_channel_config_t cfg; cfg.ram_addr = FRAMEBUF_BASE_ADDR; // Frame buffers base address cfg.cs = ERGB_FULL; // Video colourspace cfg.width_input = 3840; // Video dimensions cfg.height_input = 2160; cfg.width_output = 3840; cfg.height_output = 2160; cfg.lfr = 0; // No low frame rate fallback // Configure warp channel using the parameters above intel_vvp_warp_configure_channel(ch0, &cfg); // Obtain required hardware information WarpHwContextPtr hw = WarpDataHelper::GetHwContext(ch0); // Instantiate and initialize mesh generator WarpConfigurator configurator{ hw }; configurator.SetInputResolution(3840, 2160); configurator.SetOutputResolution(3840, 2160); configurator.Reset(); configurator.SetRotate(15.0f); // Generate mesh WarpMeshPtr mesh = configurator.GenerateMeshFromFixed(); WarpMeshSet mesh_set{ mesh }; // Instantiate data generator WarpDataGenerator data_generator; WarpDataContext ctx{ hw, 3840, 2160, 3840, 2160 }; // Generate warp data using provided hardware configuration and mesh WarpDataPtr user_data = data_generator.GenerateData(ctx, mesh_set); // Allocate and fill in intel_vvp_warp_data_t object required by the warp driver WarpDataHelper::WarpDriverDataPtr driver_data = WarpDataHelper::GenerateDriverData(ctx, user_data, COEF_BASE_ADDR, SKIP_RAM_PAGE); // Transfer generated warp data to the calculated destination for each engine for(uint32_t i = 0; i < driver_data->num_engines; ++i) { const WarpEngineData* ue = user_data->GetEngineData(i); intel_vvp_warp_engine_data_t* de = &(driver_data->engine_data[i]); memcpy((void*)(de->mesh_addr), ue->GetMeshData(), de->mesh_size); memcpy((void*)(de->filter_addr),ue->GetFilterData(), de->filter_size); memcpy((void*)(de->fetch_addr), ue->GetFetchData(), de->fetch_size); } // Apply warp by passing new warp data set to the driver intel_vvp_warp_apply_transform(ch0, driver_data.get()); // Release allocated resources intel_vvp_warp_free_channel(ch0);
WarpMesh オブジェクトを使用して必要なワープを定義します。この例では、3840x2160ビデオの1:1 (ユニティー) ワープの最も簡単なケースを示しています。
intel_vvp_warp::WarpMesh mesh{3840, 2160}; for(uint32_t v = 0; v < mesh.GetVNodes(); ++v) { mesh_node_t* node = mesh.GetRow(v); for(uint32_t h = 0; h < mesh.GetHNodes(); ++h) { node->_x = (h * mesh.GetStep()) << 4; node->_y = (v * mesh.GetStep()) << 4; } }
mesh_node_t* node = mesh.GetRow(v); … float pos_x = 10.6f; node->_x = static_cast<int32_t>(roundf(pos_x * 16.0f));
Easy warpをオンにすると、変換メッシュや関連するワープデータを必要とせずに、入力ビデオを0、90、180、または270度に回転したり、ビデオをミラーリングしたりできます。
const uint32_t FRAMEBUF_BASE_ADDR = 0x80000000; const uint32_t width = 1920; const uint32_t height = 1080; intel_vvp_warp_base_t base = INTEL_VVP_WARP_BASE; intel_vvp_warp_instance wrp0; // Initialize driver instance intel_vvp_warp_init_instance(&wrp0, base); // Allocate Easy warp channel intel_vvp_warp_channel_t* ch0 = intel_vvp_warp_create_easy_warp_channel(&wrp0, 0, 0); assert(ch0 != NULL); assert(intel_vvp_warp_check_easy_warp_capable(ch0) == 0); // Configure channel intel_vvp_warp_channel_config_t cfg; // Configure in 4K, RGB Full colourspace cfg.ram_addr = FRAMEBUF_BASE_ADDR; cfg.cs = ERGB_FULL; cfg.width_input = width; cfg.height_input = height; cfg.width_output = width; cfg.height_output = height; cfg.lfr = 0; intel_vvp_warp_configure_channel(ch0, &cfg); // Mirror input video // Enable video bypass, keep original resolution intel_vvp_warp_bypass(ch0, 1, 0, width, height); // Configure Easy warp mirror intel_vvp_warp_set_easy_warp(ch0, 0x4); // Rotate input video 90 degrees CCW // Enable video bypass, flip input width and height intel_vvp_warp_bypass(ch0, 1, 0, height, width); // Configure Easy warp rotation intel_vvp_warp_set_easy_warp(ch0, 0x01); // Release warp channel intel_vvp_warp_free_channel(ch0); assert(wrp0.num_engines > 0);
// Example video and system clock static constexpr uint32_t EXAMPLE_CLOCK = 300000000; // UHD video dimensions static constexpr uint32_t WIDTH_UHD = 3840; static constexpr uint32_t HEIGHT_UHD = 2160; static constexpr uint32_t FULL_HEIGHT_UHD = 2250; // Output frame rate x100 static constexpr uint32_t OUTPUT_FRAME_RATE = 6000; // In this example system and video clock are the same const uint32_t system_clock = EXAMPLE_CLOCK; const uint32_t video_clock = EXAMPLE_CLOCK; // Warp channel intel_vvp_warp_channel_t* ch0{nullptr}; // Allocate and initialize a warp channel here // ... ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate a 4K mesh for 5 degree CCW rotation WarpConfigurator configurator{WarpDataHelper::GetHwContext(ch0)}; configurator.SetInputResolution(WIDTH_UHD, HEIGHT_UHD); configurator.SetOutputResolution(WIDTH_UHD, HEIGHT_UHD); configurator.Reset(); configurator.SetRotate(5.0f); WarpMeshSet mesh_set{configurator.GenerateMeshFromFixed()}; // Parameters required for warp data generation WarpDataContext ctx{ WarpDataHelper::GetHwContext(ch0), WIDTH_UHD, HEIGHT_UHD, WIDTH_UHD, HEIGHT_UHD }; WarpDataGenerator data_generator; WarpDataPtr user_data = data_generator.GenerateData(ctx, mesh_set); // Obtain latency params for the configured warp WarpLatencyParams latency_params = data_generator.GenerateLatencyParams(ctx, user_data, system_clock, video_clock, FULL_HEIGHT_UHD, OUTPUT_FRAME_RATE); // Upload and apply generated warp data here // … // intel_vvp_warp_apply_transform(ch0, …); // … // Pass on “output_latency” to the driver intel_vvp_warp_set_output_latency(ch0, latency_params._output_latency); // The “total_latency” member represents the recommended minimum offset // between the input and output frames // The value is in axi4s_vid_out_0_clock clock cycles // Use the this parameter to configure the rest of the video pipeline // as appropriate // // latency_params._total_latency; //assert(wrp0.num_engines > 0);